
Marijuana itself is surrounded by myths, false information and misconceptions. Many feel that the drug is natural, safe and should be legalized, while drug enforcement struggles to get widespread abuse under control nationwide.

We turn to the national Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for projections and trends in substance abuse amongst today’s youth, with the hope that a greater understanding will help us to prevent a worsening epidemic.

Marijuana Remains Leading Popular Drug

Marijuana continues to be the most popularly abused illegal drug amongst American youth, with about one in nine high school seniors admitting use of marijuana in the past month. More teens today smoke marijuana than tobacco cigarettes. Although pot use declined between the 1990s and the early 2000s, use of the drug is now seen to be on the rise with notable usage spikes amongst 10th graders over the past decade.

The 2012 MTF survey further projects that, as perception of marijuana risk decreases, use continues to climb or maintain. Recent public media attention to marijuana legalization debate and a general perception of marijuana as a “safe” and “natural” substance may be important factors in the issue of growing marijuana use.

The debate of whether or not marijuana is in fact a gateway drug is an issue ripe with plentiful opinions. Dare.com defines a gateway drug as: “… A drug that opens the door to the use of other, harder drugs.” By the theories of dependency and physical tolerance, marijuana serves as a stepping stones to other substances and harder drugs once the body has become tolerant of marijuana’s effects.

For many parents, the advent of synthetic marijuana is now a major concern. This new drug is comprised of a dried, leafy mixture (made to resemble marijuana) that has been treated with chemicals called synthetic cannabinoids. These chemicals are sprayed onto the herbal blend and interact with the brain similarly to conventional marijuana. The high from synthetic marijuana is described as much more intense, unstable and addictive.

Other Substances of Concern


Underage alcohol consumption is one of the most dangerous aspects of the youth substance abuse problem, as drunk driving and recklessness takes thousands of teen lives every year. Nearly 30% of high school seniors reported to the MTF surveyors the act of getting drunk in the past month. Binge drinking is of special concern, as it poses obvious threats to health and wellbeing.


Teenage abuse of ecstasy (MDMA) in the past year has been seen on the decrease, dropping from 5.3% of high school seniors admitting past-year use in 2011 to 3.8% in 2012. Ecstasy remains on the youth radar as a dangerous substance, still sitting within the top 20 list of most popular drugs.

Prescription Drugs

The 2012 MTF survey indicates that nearly 15% of high school seniors admit prescription drug use non-medically (without doctor supervision or guidance) in the past year. The most noteworthy prescriptions amongst teens seem to be Adderall (stimulant ADHD medication) and Vicodin (opioid painkiller), but other prescriptions to be watchful of include Ritalin, Oxycontin and Xanax.

The Substance Abuse Epidemic

The substance abuse epidemic we face today amongst our youth is an ever-evolving public health issue. In addition to marijuana and the above-mentioned substances, parents and teachers alike should be watchful for signs of abuse of these drugs:

· Bath Salts

· Cough medicine/cough syrup

· Salvia

· Prescriptions tranquilizers and sedatives

· Inhalants (air conditioning Freon gas, glue, nitrous oxide, etc.)

Take the time with the youth in your home to plan and execute fact-based drug education. The power of preventative measures are often underestimated, but they can change the course of a teen’s life.


Source by Daniel M Manson