Create Custom Recommended Dosage Forms For Your Patients
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Disclaimer: This is not a formal prescription. but is a statement of my professional opinion. This opinion is rendered as a consultant with expertise in Medicine. The recommendation is in no way to be interpreted as a prescription as defined under Federal Law. It is merely a recommendation that adopts the legal provisions of and is only meant to be used under Select a Province Law. Under Federal Law, cannabis is a schedule 1 drug, and under federal law the sale, possession and cultivation of cannabis is illegal. If the above patient is prohibited by court order to use cannabis, this recommendation is void.
Add Recommended THC Dosage
The recommended THC dosage includes the recommended milligrams, times per day and the delivery method

Add Recommended CBD Dosage
The recommended CBD dosage includes the recommended milligrams, times per day and the delivery method
Add Notes or Add “Quick Notes” From Your “Quick Notes” Manager
Add custom notes to the recommended dosage form or add pre-defined notes that have been added in your “Quick Notes” management system

Add E-signature to Your Patient’s Recommended Dosage Forms
Physicians can add their signature to forms by using their uploaded signature image, typing Name or with their finger on mobile devices