Technology Partners & Integrations

SendGrid sends our email and is a leader in email delivery with clients like Uber, Spotify and Air BnB

Seamless integration with Stripe for processing payments in Verify MC

Seamless integration with Square for processing payments in Verify MC

Seamless integration with PayPal Pro for processing payments in Verify MC

Seamless integration with for processing payments in Verify MC

Seamless integration with NMI for processing payments in Verify MC

Verify MC’s Video Chat Software is powered by Google’s powerful WebRTC technology

Our app is built on Twitters “mobile first” responsive bootstrap technology for optimum user experience

Our integration with Magtek ID card readers makes it easy to add accurate patient data by scanning an ID

Custom coded in PHP Verify MC also leverages different frameworks like Laravel for some of it’s functions

Using Google’s API we generate interactive Google maps and unique QR codes for every patient

Coded with {less}, a dynamic stylesheet pre-processor that increases web application speeds

Our analytics use Highcharts, a visual display system for showing analytics with pies, charts, etc…

Seamless connection to Mailchimp’s API for building automated email marketing lists from patient data