Intro Schedule Demo Create Your Own Phone Number That
Can Verify Medical Marijuana Patients
Free Trial Phone Number

Automated Phone System Makes Verifying MMJ Patients Easy

Create a custom phone number that is also added to patient, grower and caregiver recommendations for MMJ verification

How It Works

Create a Custom Phone Number in Your Own Area Code That Can Verify Your Patient’s MMJ Status

Your Custom Phone Number is Added to Patient, Grower and Caregiver Recommendations

Dispensaries and Law Enforcement Can Call Phone Number to Verify Patient Recommendation

How It Works

Create a Custom Phone Number in Your Own Area Code That Can Verify Your Patient’s MMJ Status

Your Custom Phone Number is Added to Patient, Grower and Caregiver Recommendations

Dispensaries and Law Enforcement Can Call Phone Number to Verify Patient Recommendation

Patient Name: Jane Sample

Try Patient Verification by Phone For Yourself

Call: (949) 899-6989

When prompted enter the information below
ID: 1384885
Birthday: 11/12/80

See How Verify MC Can Help Your Medical Marijuana Clinic

Schedule Demo